Thursday, August 12, 2010

Elul 5770 Kavannah Day 3

From the Bedtime Shema

“I hereby forgive anyone who has angered or provoked me or sinned against me, physically or financially or by failing to give me due respect, or in any other matter relating to me involuntarily or willingly, inadvertently or deliberately, whether in word or deed let no one incur punishment because of me. May it be your will Adonai my God and God of my Ancestors that I will not sin further and in that which I have sinned before you may you blot out with your abundant mercy…

Questions to Consider
1. What would your daily life look like if you recited this prayer each night before bed? How would it change things for you?
2. What do you think is the crux/meaning of the prayer?
3. What does the request for abundant mercy about past sins indicate about the “prayer’s state of mind?
4. Review the listing at the beginning of the prayer of sins committed – what do you notice? Is there an order of magnitude?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Major event upcoming in this area - will keep you posted